The Institute for Dialectical metaRealism @ www.DmR.Institute
A Bhaskarian Critical Realist Tendency
Founder, Mark A. Foster, Ph.D., sociologist, journalist, & historian
Dedicated to Roy Bhaskar, 1944-2014
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GThe Institute for Dialectical metaRealism™—a Bahá’í–inspired social–and–economic–development (SED) project—is the theoreticalmethodologicalrevolutionary think tank of The MarkFoster.NETwork. We focus on: clinical sociology (public sociologists as public intellectuals), advocacy journalism, history, and religious studies as in: Baháʾí Faith, Sufism, Pentecostalism, Judaism, and the sociology of language and religion. The libertarian Marxist and concrete utopian Dialectical metaRealism™ (DmR™) is a tributary of the current of Bhaskarian critical realism. You are cordially invited to Join the DmR tendency on our Facebook forum.

DMR’s critical realist scientific socialism tests hypotheses in a communism without borders: Marxism, Marxism–Leninism, Maoism, Trotskyism, autonomism, and others. This writer’s dialectical unity turn parallels Roy Bhaskar’s (1944–2014) spiritual turn. Ontologically, the Unicentric Paradigm or Echoes of Cosmic Unity—a multi–layered enfoldment of eternal and unknowable unities—exhibits Bhaskar’s nonduality in his philosophy of metaReality. With emancipatory agency, virtues or unities—defined in DmR as the “stuff” of nondual reality—are acquired. By conscientization in podcasting and writing, DmR promotes: unity, non–politicism, and nonpartisanship.

Relativist and fallibilist epistemologies become empirical methodologies. One DmR methodology, a new qualitative human science of phenomenological analysis, is Heartfulness Inquiry or The Echoing Practice. It resembles: heuristic, individual lived, integral, mindful, intuitive, integrated, organic, and phenomenological inquiries with autoethnography and participant observation (ethnography) among others. DmR’s sociological framework uses: critical realism (metaphysical grounding, ground of being, or ground state), socialism from below–Third Worldism–Fourth Worldism (as a heterodox Maoism), intersectional Marxism, kyriarchy, and Antifa (as a praxis).

Dialectical metaRealism™
Mark is chair and founder. Please bookmark the DmR site.
The pun on dialectical materialism was actually unintentional.
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This site is one of numerous publications in The MarkFoster.NETwork.
DmR was The Institute for Structurization Theory until June 26ᵗʰ, 2015.
© 1997– Mark A. Foster, Ph.D., M.A., A.B.J., A.A.  All rights reserved.
Open Access International Association for Critical Realism DmR™ Logo
MF.N. Publications Email Mark A. Foster The Institute for Dialectical metaRealism Structurization Crafted by Mark  A.Foster, Ph.D.